Lettori fissi

sabato 17 luglio 2021

Vilmos Aba-Novák March 15, 1894 – September 29, 1941Hungarian painter and graphic artist.


Vilmos Aba-Novák

Vilmos Aba-Novák (Hungarian: Aba-Novák Vilmos, til 1912: Hungarian: Novák Vilmos; March 15, 1894 – September 29, 1941) was a Hungarian painter and graphic artist. He was an original representative of modern art in his country, and specifically of its modern monumental painting. He was also the celebrated author of frescoes and church murals at Szeged and Budapest, and was officially patronized by the Hungarian nobility.


Novák was born in Budapest, Hungary, where he would also die. His father was Gyula Novák, and the mother was Rosa Waginger (Hungarian: Waginger Róza from Vienna.

After studying at the Art School until 1912, he began work under Adolf Fényes. Between 1912 and 1914, Novák studied at the College of Fine Arts in Budapest. Completing his service in the Austro-Hungarian Army on the Eastern Front during World War I, he took up drawing with Viktor Olgyai.

Between 1921 and 1923, he spent his summers with the group of artists in Szolnok and Baia Mare (Nagybánya), Romania , and was first exhibited in 1924. He was sent by the Hungarian Academy as a Fellow on a scholarship to Rome (1928 and 1930).

Aba Novák painted many frescoes for the Roman Catholic Church of Jászszentandrás, and Hõsök Kapuja (Heroes' Gate - a rare Hungarian example of novecento architecture, commemorating World War I soldiers) in Szeged in 1936 (the latter was white-washed after 1945, restored between 1986 and 2000), and painted many commissions for the Hungarian government. Aba also worked on frescoes of the St. Stephen's Mausoleum in Székesfehérvár and on the Church in Városmajor, Budapest, in 1938. The jury's Grand Prize at the Paris World Exhibition in 1937 and the 1940 Venice Biennale were both awarded to him.

He was a teacher at the College of Fine Arts from 1939 until his death. 


Aba-Novák A Study of a Female Nude Standing 1921

Vilmos Aba Novák (Budapest, 15 marzo 1894 – Budapest, 29 settembre 1942) è stato un pittore e incisore ungherese.

Fu allievo di Carol Ferenczy e Viktor Olgycey e visse in Italia e a Parigi. Pur essendo molto personale, la sua pittura richiama gli espressionisti.

La maggior parte dei suoi quadri sono dipinti a tempera, ma usò pure la tecnica della pittura a fresco.

Alcune delle sue opere sono conservate nel mausoleo di Santo Stefano a Székesfehérvár e nella chiesa di Jász Szent András.

Aba-Novák Adam and Eve 1921
Aba-Novák Bath 1924
Aba-Novák Bathers c. 1924 

Aba-Novák Bathing Women 1922

Aba-Novák Bearded Self-Portrait with Pipe 1923 
Aba-Novak Blind musicians   1932
Aba-Novák Card Players 1932 

Aba-Novák Carrying the Cross 1921 
Aba-Novák Circus 1930
Aba-Novák Combing 1925
Aba-Novák Comedians 1941 

Aba-Novák Composition c. 1920 (d) 
Aba-Novák Concert in the Square 1929
Aba-Novák Diner c. 1933
Aba-Novák Double Portrait 1925 
Aba-Novák Drinkers c. 1925 
Aba-Novák Entombment 1922
Aba-Novák Entombment 1922 A
Aba-Novák Eta is Bathing 1924 

Aba-Novák Female Bathers 1922 
Aba-Novák Female Bathers c. 1922
Aba-Novák Female Nude 1921
Aba-Novák Hervesters 1922

Aba-Novák Female Nude Study 1921
Aba-Novák Female Nudes 1921
Aba-Novák Girl with a Glass c. 1930 
Aba-Novák Hippodrome c. 1930
Aba-Novák - Ivanoff circus 1932
Aba-Novák Kató 1925 
Aba-Novák Laughing 1931 
Aba-Novák Laura c. 1930 

Aba-Novák Life c. 1919  

Aba-Novák Male Portrait 1922
Aba-Novák Mother with her Child
Aba-Novák Musicians 
Aba-Novák My Father 1919

Aba-Novák Vilmos: Néhai Olgyai Viktor arcképe 1930
Aba-Novák Noon Rest 1932
Aba-Novák Nude from the Back c. 1920-1921
Aba-Novák Nude Study 1921 

Aba-Novák Nude with Raised Arms 1921
Aba-Novák Nudes in the Open 1921
Aba-Novák Nun 1931 

Aba-Novák Portrait of a man 1918 
Aba-Novák Portrait of Ferenc Márton

Aba-Novák Portrait of István Szőnyi 
Aba-Novák Portrait of a young Girl c. 1922

Aba-Novák Proletarians c. 1921 

Aba-Novák Reclining Nude 1920 
Aba-Novák Rest in the Open 1922
Aba-Novák Romanian Dance 1926 
Aba-Novák Savonarola 1925 

Aba-Novák Self-portrait 1920 D 

Aba-Novák Self-portrait 1920 D1 

Aba-Novák Self-portrait 1928 

Aba-Novák Self-portrait 1939 

Aba-Novák Self-Portrait with Hat 1920
Aba-Novák Soldiers in the Forest 1917 

Aba-Novák Study for Three Nudes 1919 
Aba-Novák Tea in the Summer Garden 1926
Aba-Novák Mene, tekel, ufarsin 1925
Aba-Novák The Artist's Wife and Daughter 1935 

Aba-Novák The Bridge of Törökkoppány 1927 
Aba-Novák The Flood 1923
Aba-Novák The Mask Maker 1941 
Aba-Novák The Worship of the Three Magi 1921 

Aba-Novák Two Standing Nudes c. 1922 
Aba-Novák Watering 1935
Aba-Novák Zazar Valley of Felsőbánya 1927 


Aba-Novák Vilmos freskója

Aba-Novák Vilmos freskója Szeged, Hősök kapuja 1937
"Circus Performers (Vilmos Aba-Novák)"  1930


Fellépés előtt aba-novák framed   1934 

 Fresco of Ladislaus I of Hungary in Porta Heroum (Szeged, Hungary) by Vilmos Aba-Novák.
Kálmán Harsányi (1876–1929) Hungarian writer and poet 
Vilmos Aba-Novák -  1923


Montello tree
Mrs. Dezső Kosztolányi (Schlesinger Ilona, Harmos Ilona) Hungarian writer, actresses and translator (1885–1967)

Plaque of Vilmos Aba-Novák on the wall of the Roman Catholic church in Jászszentandrás, Hungary

Saint Barbara in Porta Heroum by Vilmos Aba-Novák.

Szeged, Hősök kapuja, neoklasszicizmus. A freskó Aba-Novák Vilmos, az építészeti tervezés Pogány Móric, a szobrok Lőte Éva alkotásai 


Szeged, Porta Heroum 

Szeged. A hősök kapujának díszei: Az "Élő katona" homokkő, Lőte Éva szobrászművész munkája 1937.

Szeged, Hősök kapuja, Aba-Novák Vilmos freskója 1937 
Székely vásár aba-novák framed 1935

Szent György. A szegedi Hősök kapuja (Porta Heroum) freskója. Festette Aba-Novák Vilmos Stefán Henrik segédletével, 1937-ben. – photo taken by uploader User:Csanády in 2006. 

Szent István. A szegedi Hősök kapuja (Porta Heroum) freskója. Festette Aba-Novák Vilmos Stefán Henrik segédletével, 1937-ben. – photo taken by uploader User:Csanády in 2006. 

Szent László. A szegedi Hősök kapuja (Porta Heroum) freskója. Festette Aba-Novák Vilmos Stefán Henrik segédletével, 1937-ben. – photo taken by uploader User:Csanády in 2006. 


Az Országgyűlés 1938. augusztus 18-án – Szent István halálának 900. évfordulóján – Székesfehérváron meghozott törvénnyel (1938. évi XXIV. törvény) emelte állami ünnep rangjára Szent István ünnepét. Az alkotás az ünnepi év eseményeit mutatja be.

Vilmos Aba-Novák 1941



                                                        Portrait (of who? selfportrait?)   1930

Vilmos Aba-Novák

 Le tombeau du Vilmos Aba-Novák au Budapest dans la cimetiere du Farkasrét.

                                     Vilmos Aba-Novák Selfportrait 1930


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